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One-step botanical cleaning and disinfection

Concrobium Broad Spectrum Disinfectant II represents the next generation of plant-based disinfection for professional restoration contractors. The unique, proprietary solution is botanically-derived and offers significant advantages over existing botanical solutions on the market. Unlike other products, Concrobium Broad Spectrum Disinfectant II provides superior cleaning so users don’t have to resort to two separate products for disinfection and cleaning. And contractors and their customers won’t have to contend with the irritating, lingering fumes that are associated with first-generation botanical formulas.

With Concrobium Broad Spectrum Disinfectant II, pros can count on an EPA-registered bactericide, virucide, tuberculocide and fungicide that contains no harmful chemicals. The solution has no warning labels and requires no PPE.

Concrobium® Broad Spectrum Disinfectant II can be used in hospitals, nursing homes,
nurseries, medical offices, schools, military installations, athletic facilities, public areas, ambulances, institutional kitchens, cafeterias, restaurants, public restrooms, hotels and motels, garbage and refuse centers, shower and bath areas, zoos, prisons, HVAC and R equipment, dental offices, emergency areas, healthcare facilities, hospitals, intensive care, operating rooms, residential, restaurants, dental operatories, by police and EMS, and residential.

Ideal for

  • Disinfecting hard, non-porous surfaces
  • General, cleaning and maintenance
  • Odor control
California Ingredient Disclosure
EPA Registration Number 34810-25



一步植物清潔消毒 Concrobium 廣譜消毒劑 II 代表了專業修復承包商的下一代植物消毒。獨特的專有解決方案源自植物,與市場上現有的植物解決方案相比具有顯著優勢。與其他產品不同,Concrobium 廣譜消毒劑 II 提供卓越的清潔效果,因此用戶不必求助於兩種單獨的產品進行消毒和清潔。承包商及其客戶不必與第一代植物配方相關的刺激性、揮之不去的煙霧作鬥爭。 使用 Concrobium 廣譜消毒劑 II,專業人士可以信賴 EPA 註冊的不含有害化學物質的殺菌劑、殺病毒劑、殺結核菌劑和殺菌劑。該解決方案沒有警告標籤,也不需要PPE。 Concrobium® 廣譜消毒劑 II 可用於醫院、療養院、 托兒所、醫療辦公室、學校、軍事設施、運動設施、公共區域、救護車、機構廚房、自助餐廳、餐廳、公共廁所、酒店和汽車旅館、垃圾和垃圾中心、淋浴和浴室區、動物園、監獄、暖通空調和 R 設備、牙科診所、急救區、醫療保健設施、醫院、重症監護室、手術室、住宅、餐廳、牙科診所、警察和 EMS 以及住宅。 非常適合 消毒堅硬、無孔的表面 一般、清潔和維護 氣味控制 加州成分披露 EPA 註冊號 34810-25

Concrobium Disinfectant Cleaner

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